Monday, September 10, 2007

I am so tired...

It is about noon here in Leipzig, Germany.. i have been sleeping a bit on the plane but not too much.. weather is crappy.. mainly drizzle. I have to go.. just about to board the plane. Take care yall...


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Battle scars.... and i haven't left the country yet....

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the wound.. and the knife that did it... I deploy Saturday.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

headed out...

My deployment manager called today..

She said i am due to leave Saturday morning.. from here i will go to Norfolk, and after that, i have no idea..

should be fun.. my leg hurts like hell..


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my dumb ass....

So i was a dumbass today and did what so many suggest not doing...

let me start out.. i was just getting some stuff together for my deployment... a small webcam, a headlamp, and a cable lock for my laptop.. I was using my knife to open the tamper proof packaging on the cable lock when the knife slipped and i was suddenly looking at a knife buried in my leg and my best jeans soaking up the blood streaming out of the wound. Blood doesn't affect me the way it does some, so i quickly pulled the knife out, pulled my pants down to survey the wound, ran downstairs, got some paper towels to control the serious bleeding, and called 911. After spending an hour in the ER waiting on a doctor, i finally got my stitches... here's the damage....

1 2.5cm by 1.5cm wound, inside right leg, just above the knee..
3 stitches
bill from hell.. :(

luckily no ligiments were involved, but the doctor suggested i talk to the orthopaedic doctor and see if i damaged my knee joint. He said it didn't look like i did but it was deep enough to do it. otherwise.. i have lortab for the pain and really don' need it yet.. we'll see how i do tonight...

here's to a peaceful night of rest!
